Great Deal Patience

Top Talent, but what about the game change, the maverick??!!

One of the key pillars to creating and maintaining a high performance team is TALENT. This particular article outlines 5 Traits common to ‘top talent’ in business ,and these are –

  • Adaptability
  • Collaborative
  • Problem solver
  • Humility
  • Leadership

The article defines each of these with either additional traits or some of the actions and behaviours that each of the main traits exhibit.

In (my…………… to ebook or somewhere else on website or shop…….) I speak of TOP TALENT under the following headings :

  • Skills (adaptability, problem solver,)
  • Character (collaborative, problem solver, humility, leadership)
  • Difference
  • Game Changer

I have at the same time indicated where the 5 traits in this article reside with my insights to TALENT and what will help create and maintain High Performance teams.

  1. Skills – generally these fall into 4 specific categories which are –
      • Technical skills – knowing your products, use of IT/technology for demonstration of products or finding/gathering information, communication skills, and so on
      • Physical skills – every job has some sort of physical component, so does the person understand what the physical demands are of the role and how they best prepare themselves physically so that they can consistently deliver high performance in their role
      • Mental Skills – what are my routines that allow me to be able to switch on and switch off when I need to. Basically, if I am selling, or providing a performance appraisal feedback, or presenting a proposal, what do I do that switches me into ‘the moment for as long as I need to be there’ and then switches me off so that I can leave the moment, take a breather, possibly reflect on what has happened , and then ready myself foe the next moment. This may all happen in a matter of seconds, so it is very important to know your routines
      • Tactical skills – if I am able to switch myself into the moment, this will give me a clear mind in which to respond either proactively or reactively to the circumstances I am facing. It is at this point that I need to be able to draw on my experiences, my knowledge, my strategies, my research, my audience to make the right decision for the moment. In a sense, the more tactical information at hand, the broader band of responses I am able to make to a situation. At the same time, with a smorgasboard of options to make the right decision from, and generally this is happening in micro-seconds, the need for a very clear mind. From this point having made my decision, it is then all about my execution which is back to my technical and physical skills
  2. Character – I think Character is well covered in the article, because for me it is always about what the person can bring to the team. How will the person through the way that they behave, and the actions they take in and around the group, contribute to the harmony and well-being of all those around them – hence the saying, “….he or she is a real team player……”. The person is mindful of others, and demonstrates selflessness capacity. By the way the person carries themselves, he or she becomes a natural leader among the group, whether or not there is any vestige of formal leadership bestowed upon them.
  3. Difference –Difference of personalities, of character, of backgrounds, of skills, of age – are all components necessary to enhance high performance in the team or business. Difference brings conflict. Conflict brings debate, discussion, challenge of status quo or the way things are being done. Such a process is incredibly healthy if it is managed properly, and the results are constructive for the team and the individuals. The warning is that as a manager or a leader of a team or business, if you do not feel comfortable being a conflict resolution manager, or in other words, giving people a say; giving people a right to disagree; giving people an opportunity to resolve it together; and being able to manage, massage, repair hurt and dented egos through the process, then either don’t use this method to enhance High performance; or make sure you have a skilled facilitator who can do this job for you.
  4. Game Changer –To do things other businesses or organisations or teams can’t do, there is an X-factor needed. Pending the business, or the evolution of the industry, or your resources compared to your opposition, this may be found in business practices, in technology, but most likely will be found in your people.Every High Performance team needs them but they do bring with them some traits that do not readily transfer into being a ‘team-player’. However, when things were not going well for them; when their ability to dominate and occupy centre stage was being usurped by others; then they changed to being a person who was quite divisive of team culture. The Game Changer looked to blame everyone else for what was happening, and not take any ownership themselves. Warnie would isolate himself from the group, or choose pick on targets whom he wanted others to believe were the cause of his poor performances or the team’s lack of winning performance. The Game Changer is a ‘conditional’ team player, and as such will be managed accordingly while they are still of value to a team. I had some of these Game Changers in the teams I coached, and they are certainly not the easiest people to manage. For example, Shane Warne, one of the true greats of world cricket across all eras was an exceptional team person when everything was going well for him, especially on field. It means the Game Changer is the centre of attention; he or she commands the stage on which they play; and everyone wants to be associated with them. And within your people there are those who are simply better at delivering their array of skills in the clinches than others. These people are the Game Changers – the super salesperson, the evangelist, the sport superstar, the deal maker.

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